Fija's AO Website

Welcome! To my AO site.

My main Char is Fija and I am a member of the Omni-Tek Organisation The Leviathan Movement. I have 16 Alts at the moment but I am currently sorting trough them all and restarting some of them. I have been playing AO since July 2006. I am currently playing the Following Classes:- Keeper, Fixer, Enforcer, Engineer, Doctor, Trader, Meta-Physicist and Agent.

Previous Online Gaming. I spent most of the last 13 Years playin and running MUD's (Multi User Dungeon/Domain) for those of you who don't remember MUD's or never played them, MUD's are a text based version of MMORPG. Most of the games I play I don't play online. That's all for now but I will add more sections soon.


The Gallery has now gone live! you can access it by clicking on the link to right.